" DJ Jes One, a legendary figure in the music industry endorsed by Shure Record Needles and a Party Rock-In DJ. With a career spanning over three decades, Jes One has been making waves in the scene with his versatile skills and passion for music. He opened The Groove Shop in Rockford, IL in 1997, which became an iconic record store and hub for DJs and producers to share their mixtapes, vinyl, and connect with the industry. A 3-time Rami Award winner (Rockford Area Music Industry), Jes One's contributions to hip hop culture earned him a spot as one of 50 icons in Rockford, and he was recognized for his dedication to the craft during National Hip Hop Culture Month in November. In 2007, Jes One relocated to Mellen, WI and played a key role in creating Mellen Mountain Meadows, a stunning music venue in the Northwoods. Today, he continues to produce tracks, perform, and push the boundaries of house music and dance culture. Jes One has also expanded his creative endeavors to Ashland, WI with Time Warp Tattoo, Warp Coffee Bar, and Groove Shop North. This unique trifecta offers a state-of-the-art tattoo parlor, a coffee bar with amazing brews and blends, and a record store with antique collectibles... more